Workbench Design
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workbench werkzeuge
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2.94e - September 20, 1995
Played with centering magnification, more like Iconian 1.98
"Center on Select" flag, moves visible area when "selecting" icon images.
Redid "default" window sizes and positions for new users. (NTSC 640x200)
Mucked with buffer sizing, added user defined sizes.
Changed a few catalog strings, mainly "about" window stuff.
Fixed a major tooltype window bug.
Traced down a few memory corruption and un-allocated memory bugs.
Added "slow undo" for GFX board users. (LET ME KNOW)
Added a few rexx commands. Whoopee! :P
Added some more keyboard commands.
Worked on brush-handle code.
2.94d - September 18, 1995
Made most busy states not effect screen colormap. (helpful with REXX scripts...)
Added dither and bevel gadgets.
Removed vertical gradient...it just crashed my machine!
Added remap gadget.
Palette and tooltype window are freed once a busy-state is done.
Changed all remapping modes to affect only current buffer.
2.94c - September 17, 1995
Fixed palette handling in Import->Pointer prefs.
Can now be run without ReqTools present (some features disabled.)
Can be run without AmigaGuide library.
Windows can be SimpleRefresh once again!!!
Added more REXX commands.
2.94b - September 17, 1995
Uploaded to Iconian's BETA ftp site (musie.phlab.missouri.edu:/pub/amiga/iconian)
2.94a - September 14-16, 1995
Rewrote AmigaGuide handler. Better path checking. Better message handling.
Rewrote REXX routines. Added several REXX commands.
Added Macros window, along with related stuff.
Added "exploding" icons save mode.
2.94 - September 11, 1995
Forth AMINET release.
2.93i - September 11, 1995
Added popup.gadget support.
Fixed a few bugs reported by users, and a few discovered by me over the past few months.
2.93f - August 21, 1995
Added tooltype window stuff.
2.93e - July 10, 1995
Added palette presets (MagicWB, NewIcon, and RomIcon-16)
2.93d - June 22, 1994
Removed another enforcer hit.
Sped up loading icons a bit. ( Only updates window 2 times now, instead of 4 :P )
Added 2 more buffer sizes. 36x40 is the NewIcon standard. Use with "Full Size" or "NewIcon Standard."
Added a save mode, NewIcon standard. Will save 36x40 icons.
2.93c - June 11, 1994
Still working on quantization routines.
2.93b - June 10, 1994
Reworked the quantization routines. Still experimenting...
2.93 - June 7, 1995
Third AMINET release.
2.92d - June 6, 1995
Removed mungwall hit related to undos. Showed up when using large buffer sizes.
Tweaked median-cut routine, uses scores to get better results.
Fixed? possible crash when loading single image NewIcons?
Fixed height of saved NewIcons, was one too big.
2.92c - June 5, 1995
Palette picker now chooses first 4 colors closest to WB standard.
Fixed median-cut problems. (Crash and incorrect sorting)
Fixed right-hand black line image-loading bug.
2.92b - May 28, 1995
Median cut color choosing routine implemented.
Added custom pointer shapes for crosshairs, copy/spread/exchange/pick color, fill.
Added color spread, exchange, copy to palette window.
Added palette gadget to palette window.
2.92 - May 24, 1995
Included .cd file.
Busies when entering text.
Displays popup toolname in status line. (Ron Charlton)
Burkes, Stucki, and simple diffusion dithering added.
Updates icon images after recoloring. (Hand Guijt)
Tweaked the checkbox width. (Hans Guijt)
Removed all the colon from labels. (Hans Guijt)
Graphical brush menu turned off as default.
No longer blocks input when smoothing.
Ability to load and save pointer preference files. (Rob Morton)
Uses very last color. Iconian error, not doloaddt.m (Michael Hohmann)
Fixed locking on 128x100 buffer size for unregistered users.
Changed the appearance of datatype load window some.
Information window updated when loading an icon. (Stefan Pazourek)
Path and File requesters now appear on Iconian's screen. (Stefan Pazourek)
2.91b - May 23, 1995
Fixed a few rendering routine bugs in doloaddt.e, while working on Picticon.
Second AMINET release.
Added datatype settings preference saving and loading.
Added CLI file passing.
Added preference file specification from CLI.
Added smartrefresh switch for CLI.
Fixed a few minor visual bugs.
Added ScreenToFront when asking about global-appicon droppings.
Rewrite of several datatype scaler functions.
Added datatype scaler window with "cancel" button.
Added Popularity color-pick routine for datatype scaler.
Added 24bit buffer for datatype scaler. (Better operations for future plans)
Fixed memory corruption bug. (Occured when an opperation affected entire buffer.)
First AMINET release.